The biggest asset of your financial well-being is your ability to earn an income. Speak to our financial advisers at Future Wealth about income protection insurance NZ.

Often, when people consider their assets, their minds gravitate towards tangible items such as properties, or financial instruments like savings and investments. While these are important, they pale in comparison to the true cornerstone of your financial landscape — your earning capacity.


Income Protection Insurance

Your income covers day-to-day living expenses and serves as the gateway to achieving long-term financial objectives, such as buying a home, securing your children's education, or preparing for a comfortable retirement. Understanding this, Future Wealth offers tailored income protection insurance solutions in Christchurch, NZ. These are crafted to ensure that unforeseen circumstances like illness, injury, or job loss do not derail your financial trajectory, allowing you to maintain your current lifestyle and meet future commitments.

Income Protection Plan Christchurch

Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder, running your own business, or juggling multiple roles, your income serves to hold your financial plans together. That's where Future Wealth's specialised Income Protection Plan in Christchurch comes into play.



In Christchurch, life is fast-paced, as are the financial risks that accompany it. Whether it's income protection, KiwiSaver, or retirement savings, Future Wealth has got you covered.

Why Income Protection Insurance is Essential

Unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, or sudden unemployment can disrupt your income flow, significantly affecting your financial stability. Income protection insurance provides financial security in times of uncertainty, providing you with a portion of your income if you're unable to work due to unforeseen circumstances. It's not just an insurance policy; it's a proactive strategy to cover income loss - so you can protect your most valuable asset.

How It Works: Income Protection Cover

Income protection insurance policies typically cover up to 75% of your gross income, enabling you to maintain your lifestyle and meet essential expenses like mortgage payments, utility bills, and medical costs. The insurance policy kicks in after a predefined waiting period, providing financial security until you can return to work or until the benefit period specified in the policy expires.

Choosing the Right Insurance Scheme

Multiple factors come into play when selecting an income protection insurance scheme, including the waiting period, benefit period, and premium costs. Our financial advisers in Christchurch, NZ, work closely with you to tailor a policy that will cover your needs, ensuring you get the most comprehensive coverage without straining your budget.



Protect Your Family: Income Protection

Income protection cover does more than just secure your income; it also serves as a layer of family protection. Knowing that your income is insured offers peace of mind to you and your loved ones, ensuring that life's uncertainties don't turn into financial crises.

Disability Cover and Additional Benefits

Our income protection plans in Christchurch, NZ, can also include disability cover, further strengthening your financial safety net. If a disability prevents you from working for an extended period, this additional cover ensures you continue to receive financial benefits.

Insurance Claims and Policy Review

Making insurance claims can often be daunting, especially when you're dealing with an injury or illness. Our team simplifies the claims process for you, offering step-by-step guidance. We also periodically review your insurance policies to ensure they remain aligned with any changes in your income, employment status, or lifestyle.

The Future Wealth Difference

What sets Future Wealth apart is our commitment to providing financial security in times of uncertainty with advice on the best investments Christchurch NZ, income protection plans and more. We're not just another insurance provider; we're your partners in protecting your financial well-being. Our comprehensive income protection plans are designed with real-life scenarios in mind, ensuring you're prepared for whatever comes your way.

KiwiSaver and Other Financial Services

In addition to income protection, Future Wealth offers a range of financial services, including KiwiSaver investments, loans, and more. These services complement your income protection plan, providing a holistic approach to financial stability.

Contact Us Today

Don't risk your financial stability by leaving it to chance. Future Wealth offers specialised income protection insurance plans in Christchurch, NZ, designed to secure your income and maintain your lifestyle. Contact our team today for a personalised insurance quote tailored to your financial objectives. Taking this step is the first in a series of actions aimed at securing a financially stable future.

Schedule a consultation with us to discuss your insurance needs, evaluate policy options, and make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

Open the Door to Financial Security

Income protection insurance is not a luxury; it's a necessity for anyone who relies on their income to maintain their lifestyle and support their family. Future Wealth is here to guide you through this important financial decision. Reach out to us for a consultation and take control of your financial future.

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